Start Learning

Students, as you watch the videos on each of the following pages, revisit this checklist to track your progress through the program:

STEP 1: Learn about the Luzerne Learns to Work program. Follow along with your teacher as they explain the steps of the program and the timeline for the academic year.

STEP 2: Navigate and explore the Luzerne Learns to Work portal by watching the videos on each page and familiarizing yourself with the resources linked in each section.

STEP 3: Watch the different career cluster videos for some basic background on the in-demand careers that are available locally, and the different fields and industries you could be exploring throughout the program.


As part of your career research, explore the following documents that highlight the purpose, opportunities, skills, and education levels needed to work in occupations with some the highest employment demand in our region.

Northeastern Pennsylvania
Manufacturing Education Guide

NEPIRC manufacturing guide front cover





WVIA offers videos and curriculum that will focus on educating and preparing students for well-paying jobs that fulfill the employment needs of growing industries throughout our region.

Click Here to Move to Section 2: Learn More!